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“Sons of Anarchy” Actor Charged with Killing Ex-Girlfriend’s Rabbit

Posted By Patrick Mahaney On February 3, 2015 @ 10:00 am In Furry Foe,News,Pet360 Pet-Lebrity News | No Comments

This article originally appeared on Dr. Mahaney’s Pet-Lebrity News (hyperlinked to http://www.pet360.com/blog/pet-lebrity-news [1]) column on Pet360.com [2] as “Sons of Anarchy” Actor Charged with Killing Ex-Girlfriend’s Rabbit [3]

Being an advocate for pet health and safety on a global basis, I always squirm upon learning of controversies in the media realm involving pets. Unfortunately, bad things happen to animals at the hands of people and the general public is quickly made aware though television, radio, print, and on-line media outlets (see Did Justin Bieber’s Dad Commit an Act of Animal Cruelty? [4]
I was alarmed and disturbed to read the following recent Huffington Postheadline: ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Actor Dimitri Diatchenko Charged With Killing And Eating Ex’s Pet Rabbit [5]
�Sons of Anarchy� Actor Charged with Killing Ex-Girlfriend�s Rabbit [6]

Killing and eating his ex-girlfriend’s rabbit? Although humans eating rabbit isn’t news to anyone, taking the life of an ex’s bunny-companion and similarly threatening her sounds savage and potentially hazardous for society.I was alarmed and disturbed to read the following recent Huffington Postheadline: ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Actor Dimitri Diatchenko Charged With Killing And Eating Ex’s Pet Rabbit [5]

What Do We Know So Far About Diatchenko and This Case?

Diatchenko is a television, movie, and video-game actor born in San Francisco and currently residing in North Hollywood, CA. He primarily has portrayed Russians and Eastern Europeans characters and had roles in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, “Sons of Anarchy”, and the video game “Call of Duty.”

Huffington Post reports Diatchenko was arrested for the aforementioned deeds along with sending his ex-girlfriend gruesome photos of the process and threatening to repeat such actions on her. Diatchenko has been charged with “felony counts of cruelty to an animal with use of a knife and making criminal threats.”

Los Angeles County prosecutors revealed that Diatchenko continued to live with his ex-girlfriend even after the conclusion of their relationship. After having told Diatchenko they should no longer be roommates, he took his frustrations out on her pet rabbit. Diatchenko “skinned the pet, cooked it and ate half of it while sending her step-by-step pictures of what he did” and “when she returned the defendant allegedly told her he would do the same to her” according to a statement from the Los Angeles’ district attorney’s office [7].

What Are the Animal Cruelty Laws in Los Angeles County?

The Los Angeles Police Department has an Animal Cruelty Task Force (ACTF) which evaluates such actions in an appropriately serious manner. The ACTF employs “two Lieutenants, two Detectives, five Police Officers II, and five Animal Control Officers” to handle the vast territory of Los Angeles.

The ACTF defines animal cruelty as “malicious and intentional maiming, mutilating, torturing, or wounding a living animal, or malicious and intentional killing of an animal” and includes “any activity that causes injury, disability, or death. Examples of animal cruelty are kicking, hitting, choking, punching, hanging, stabbing, shooting, setting on fire, or electrocuting.” Such sounds like the grisly deed done by Diatchenko on the innocent pet rabbit.

Reportedly, animal cruelty violates California Penal Code Section 597(a) and is “punishable by imprisonment in the state prison, or by a fine of not more than $20,000 or by both the fine and imprisonment.”

Huffington Post indicates that if convicted of animal cruelty, Diatchenko is faced with a potential four year and eight month prison term. Hopefully, he’ll serve the full imprisonment and be made to pay the maximum fine.

What Can Be Done to Stop Animal Cruelty or Help ACTF to Do Its Job?

Cruelty to animals shouldn’t be tolerated. The ACTF reveals that animal cruelty “can be evidence of emotional disturbances, which could later lead to violence toward humans. Infamous serial killers such as Jeffrey Dahmer, David Berkowitz “son of Sam”, Albert Desalve “The Boston Strangler” and many more, have notorious histories of animal abuse in their past. Psychologists and criminal profiling experts have documented a strong link between animal abuse and violence against humans.”

You can help by reporting animal cruelty to the ACTF (213-486-0450) if you are in Los Angeles or your local animal cruelty office/organization.

Additionally, your time can be volunteered at Los Angeles county animal shelters (see www.lacity.org/ani [8]).  Financial donations can be made via checks written to the City of Los Angeles Animal Cruelty Task Force (ACTF). Coincidentally, I have a client who has worked on multiple episodes of Sons of Anarchy in a controversial and memorable supporting role that garnered many accolades. I wonder if my client ever worked with Diatchenko and if any suspicions were raised about his violent tendencies.

Thank you for reading this article.  Your questions and comments are completely welcome (I’ll respond).
Please feel free to communicate with me through Twitter (@PatrickMahaney [9]) and follow my adventures in veterinary medicine by liking Patrick Mahaney: Veterinarian Acupuncture Pain Management for Your Pets [10] on Facebook.
Copyright of this article (2015) is owned by Dr Patrick Mahaney, Veterinarian and Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist. Republishing any portion of this article must first be authorized by Dr Patrick Mahaney. Requests for republishing must be approved by Dr Patrick Mahaney and received in written format. 

Article printed from Celebrity Pet News: http://www.celebritypetnews.com

URL to article: http://www.celebritypetnews.com/2015/news/sons-of-anarchy-actor-charged-with-killing-ex-girlfriends-rabbit/

URLs in this post:

[1] http://www.pet360.com/blog/pet-lebrity-news: http://www.pet360.com/blog/pet-lebrity-news

[2] Pet360.com: http://pet360.com/

[3] Sons of Anarchy” Actor Charged with Killing Ex-Girlfriend’s Rabbit: http://www.pet360.com/blog/post/pet-lebrity-news/sons-of-anarchy-actor-charged-with-killing-ex-girlfriends-rabbit/YIaO_bNF_kyEl06l27KpsQ

[4] Did Justin Bieber’s Dad Commit an Act of Animal Cruelty?: http://www.pet360.com/blog/post/pet-lebrity-news/did-justin-biebers-dad-commit-an-act-of-animal-cruelty/2pHNrdQQNE-h34wStt2P7g

[5] ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Actor Dimitri Diatchenko Charged With Killing And Eating Ex’s Pet Rabbit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/11/dimitri-diatchenko-killing-rabbitt_n_6311794.html

[6] Image: http://www.pet360.com/Content/Images/CMS/blogs/cms_resized_large/12_30_1.lg.jpg

[7] statement from the Los Angeles’ district attorney’s office: http://da.co.la.ca.us/mr/pdf/121014_North_Hollywood_Man_Charged_with_Making_Criminal_Threats.pdf

[8] www.lacity.org/ani: mailto:www.lacity.org/ani

[9] @PatrickMahaney: https://twitter.com/#!/PatrickMahaney

[10] Patrick Mahaney: Veterinarian Acupuncture Pain Management for Your Pets: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Patrick-Mahaney-Veterinarian-Acupuncture-Pain-Management-for-Your-Pets/110986255579285

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