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My Bone of Contention with Deion Sanders’ Tweets About His $15,000 Dog

Posted By Patrick Mahaney On August 21, 2013 @ 10:00 am In News,On Furry Friend Fence | No Comments

[1]This article originally appeared on Dr. Mahaney’s Pet-Lebrity News [2] column on Pet360.com as: My Bone of Contention with Deion Sanders’ Tweets About His $15,000 Dog [3].

Recently, it has come to my attention (just like in Drew Driege’s Chloe Sevigny impersonation [4]), that celebrities tend to overshare on Twitter or at least tweet before thoroughly thinking about the consequences of their 140 or fewer character statements. After all, just consider the grand and highly-public downward spiral of Amanda Bynes that has been playing out on Twitter.

When it comes down to it, Twitter is a great means for celebrities to directly reach out to their followers and connect to fans. It has provided an alternative method to express one’s views on a variety of personal or professional topics.

I never want to hear about a person’s beloved canine or feline companion going missing. Although I was slightly put off by the means by which former NFL player and current sports commentator, Deion Sanders alerted the world of his dog’s return.

According to the New York Daily News [5], Sanders’ German Shepherd Dog, Yasko, disappeared nine months ago from his front yard in Dallas, TX.

A series of three tweets from Sanders’ Twitter handle started with:

“Thank u Jesus. My dog is BACK!  I won’t begin to tell u how a $15,000 dog goes missing and who took it. Wow! TRUTH”

Then, one of Sanders’ Twitter followers must have inquired about the dog’s breed and why the pooch has such a high price tag or Sanders may have merely wanted to elaborate on his initial tweet in saying:

“My dog is full bred GERMAN shepherd highly trained protection dog that will attack if my kids & family are in danger. That’s why he’s expensive.”

Finally, Sanders ends by stating:

“My kids and my Mama are so happy our dog is back!; I almost cried when I saw him. He is man’s best friend and the home protector for the family.”

Firstly, I am enthused to hear that the family pooch has safely returned home. With that said, here are my bones of contention with Sander’s dog-themed tweets:

1. Why does Sanders feel the need to immediately state the value of the dog? Owning a dog having such a high value is certainly not luxury afforded by most residents of the United States or other countries. Many pets owners struggle to make ends meet to adequately take care of themselves and their canine or feline companions. Back in 2011, the Bayer/Brakke Study [6] study stated,  “While much has been reported about an end to the ongoing recession in the U.S., the impact is still being felt in the veterinary community. Fifty-one percent of veterinarians reported a net decrease in patient visits over the last two years, while 42 percent said that revenues decreased in 2010 as compared to 2009. This decline continues a trend that has been documented over the last decade, even while the number of dogs and cats has increased in the U.S.” Considering that many owners have less available funds to provide medical care for their pets, boasting about the high price of one’s dog seems quite showy.

2. Why does Sanders leave us speculating about “how a $15,000 dog goes missing and who took it?” Did it simply boil down to a misunderstanding between his family members and their support staff (housekeeper, dog caretaker, etc)? Inquiring minds want to know! Foul play is suspected, as Yasko reportedly would not be willing go with a stranger.

3. If Sanders so highly prioritizes his dog’s role in providing protection for the family, why is the canine companion referred to as “it” in the original tweet instead of “him”? Would Sanders refer to his human child as an “it” instead of “he” or “she”? According to the American Humane Association [7], “Nine in ten pet owners surveyed say they consider their pet a member of the family.” Even if Yasko has been neutered (surgical removal of his testicles), he’s still a “he” and not an “it”

Sanders is not the only celebrity having recently incurred temporary or permanent loss of a pet to theft or trauma. See:

Hollywood Actress’ Deaf Dog Safely Returned After Being Kidnapped and Held for Ransom [8]

Loss of Sylvester Stallone’s Dog Teaches Lessons of Coyote Safety Measures [9]

Hopefully, the discovery of the missing pooch will motivate Sanders to tighten up the communication strings among those providing observation and care of the family’s canine member. Additionally, I suggest Yasko always wear a collar, has up-to-date tags, and is implanted with a microchip to enhance the likelihood he’ll be returned home if he is abducted or simply becomes lost.

Image via s_bukley [10] Shutterstock.com [11]

Thank you for reading this article.  Your questions and comments are completely welcome (I’ll respond).
Please feel free to communicate with me through Twitter (@PatrickMahaney [12]) and follow my adventures in veterinary medicine by liking Patrick Mahaney: Veterinarian Acupuncture Pain Management for Your Pets [13] on Facebook.

Copyright of this article (2013) is owned by Dr Patrick Mahaney, Veterinarian and Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist. Republishing any portion of this article must first be authorized by Dr Patrick Mahaney. Requests for republishing must be approved by Dr Patrick Mahaney and received in written format.

Article printed from Celebrity Pet News: http://www.celebritypetnews.com

URL to article: http://www.celebritypetnews.com/2013/news/my-bone-of-contention-with-deion-sanders-tweets-about-his-15000-dog/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.celebritypetnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/celebpatricks1.jpg

[2] Dr. Mahaney’s Pet-Lebrity News: http://www.celebritypetnews.com http://www.pet360.com/blog/pet-lebrity-news

[3] My Bone of Contention with Deion Sanders’ Tweets About His $15,000 Dog: http://www.pet360.com/blog/post/pet-lebrity-news/my-bone-of-contention-with-deion-sanders-tweets-about-his-15000-dog/50s0IBOEQk-ckBNf_p2GIg

[4] Drew Driege’s Chloe Sevigny impersonation: http://www.pet360.com/blog/post/pet-lebrity-news/chloe-sevignys-impersonator-drew-droege-on-pets/x11d0jK8PUurmRhC18vthQ?intcid=LINKART%20

[5] New York Daily News: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/deion-sanders-reunites-15-000-german-shepard-article-1.1361175

[6] Bayer/Brakke Study: http://www.brakkeconsulting.com/news_article/665.aspx

[7] American Humane Association: http://www.petfinder.com/for-shelters/facts-pet-ownership.html

[8] Hollywood Actress’ Deaf Dog Safely Returned After Being Kidnapped and Held for Ransom: http://www.pet360.com/blog/post/pet-lebrity-news/hollywood-actress-deaf-dog-safely-returned-after-being-kidnapped-and-held-for-ransom/xyMZtbA1CkG0mrgLkMAAfg?intcid=LINKART%20

[9] Loss of Sylvester Stallone’s Dog Teaches Lessons of Coyote Safety Measures: http://www.pet360.com/blog/post/pet-lebrity-news/loss-of-sylvester-stallones-dog-teaches-lessons-of-coyote-safety-measures/pFxOeNNaKUSOkDMWDmfTIQ?intcid=LINKART%20

[10] s_bukley: http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-842284p1.html

[11] Shutterstock.com: http://www.pet360.com/Blog/Post/Create/%3Ca%20href=%22http:/www.shutterstock.com/gallery-842284p1.html?cr=00&pl=edit-00%22%3Es_bukley%3C/a%3E%20/%20%3Ca%20href=%22http:/www.shutterstock.com/?cr=00&pl=edit-00%22%3EShutterstock.com%3C/a%3E

[12] @PatrickMahaney: https://twitter.com/#!/PatrickMahaney

[13] Patrick Mahaney: Veterinarian Acupuncture Pain Management for Your Pets: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Patrick-Mahaney-Veterinarian-Acupuncture-Pain-Management-for-Your-Pets/110986255579285

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